Let me first start off by saying I am such a proud Mama today!

For those of you who know my son this is a huge feet I am about to share with you and one of the proudest moments for me as a Mom.
Ever since he was old enough to talk, my son has been very shy to strangers and sometimes friends alike. He would look at them when they spoke but in his words he would get to "nervous" to answer them. A long silent pause would follow... Now mind you he has never been shy when it comes to making friends. It seems to be an adult thing. Well for many years while we attended Barrs Mill my son would be the one at the front of the church standing there...not singing while the rest of the kids sang their hearts out. While we were still proud because that was a feat in itself. So then he graduated on at about age 7, when Ron took his first Youth Pastor position to actually feeling comfortable enough to sing. Well today a great feat has taken place. My son several months ago decided that he wanted to serve as a Kids Stuf Dancer for church. For those of you who don't know what Kids Stuf is, it's a church service geared for Parents to attend with their children. It has lots of music and dancing and even a skit to learn from. This is an awsome Parent Kid Service! Anyhow, he practiced this summer while Kids Stuf was on a break and his first month scheduled was October to dance. He is doing awsome! In front of hundreds of strangers. God is Good! He loves dancing and what a great way to start out serving the Lord! I am sooo proud of him!
Brock is the boy in the blue shirt on the right side of Ryon-the guitarist.

Check out the video below of the opening song for our Kids Stuf Service!

Sixteen Years Ago today...

On this day in 1992 I married my love of a lifetime, Ronnie Earl Gordon.
As I sit back and look over the years so many things flood through my mind...Here are just a few:

*Wow, how time has gone by so quickly. It seems like just yesterday Courtney was a toddler running around our first apartment on West High, Ron had a mullet (lol) and I was beginning the dream of my life. To be a Mother, Wife and Homemaker. When other kids were dreaming of being nurses and teachers, I was dreaming of a Little house on the prairie kinda life. (except with all the enmities of today of course :) ). Today in that area not much has changed. I am a mother of two wonderful children and God has blessed our family that I am able to stay home and be the wife and homemaker I always dreamed of being. Thank You God.

*God has been so good to us. He has always been watching over us even when we were first married and not living for him. How He set up His plan for our life and started drawing us into a relationship with Him. How so many things fell together that I never knew could have happy endings. But that was just it...God worked all those things for good. How much He must love us! I thank Him today for His many blessings. For him bringing Ron into my life on that fateful night oh so long ago...coming to be my night in shining armor :) (if you don't know the story of how we met, it's really great! Ask sometime!) He knew just what I needed in a husband.

*Marriage has really been hard work! And let me just say it has been worth it all! And God made it happen. I can say with certainty if it weren't for Him coming into my life at the time He did, we would be another statistic like so many in this world who give up on their marriage.

*My love has grown in ways that I never knew possible. When we were married I never thought I would love Ron so much more, for I already loved him sooo much. However I love him more and more each day. He has been a wonderful husband, lover, father, teacher, preacher, provider, comforter, encourager and oh so much more.

I love you sweetheart! Happy Anniversary!