Ice Storm of 2009

These are a few pictures of the snow and ice from the last couple of days. The first one was taken at night. I just love to watch the snow fall. I lay in bed at night and look our my window to the beautiful winter nights...

I think we got some ice...

Brock found this HUGE icesicle hanging from our front porch today... He turned it into a "Ice Saber".

This is his "Master Yoda" picture...
I'm gonna get you...

My lastest Scrapbook Page!

This page is from our Vacation 2008 Album. The page Reads:
Wednesday, April 30th
Day #5 "Chillin in Sunny Breeze" - Oh yeah, with th Chicken Pocks!
I am writing early today. Most times I write at the end of the day. Today has been a lazy day. We have pretty much confirmed that Brock has chicken pocks and we've just been hangin out all day. I have been doing laundry all day in preperation for Disney tommorrow. I know this may sound strange, but I like hanging out my laundry down here. If I lived here I would do it all the time. We are trying to get Brock's homework done today, at least most of it so he doesn't have to worry about it at Disney. He has alot though, so Ron is taking him and teaching him to drive the golf cart as a break. I love it down here. I just pray that all is well for Disney. Brock also has a rash and we are not sure what from. Well, ta ta for now...
This page is simple yet cute. Brock is sitting on the couch in the Sun Room of our Mother-In-Law suite eating his favorite, Goldfish. I put the little chicken on his shoulder since it has been pecking away and giving him pocks. : )
I love to scrapbook!