I am many things, but these are a few attributes that sum up who I am and what's important to me.

  • I AM A WOMAN WHO LOVES THE LORD-A woman created to serve Him in Ministry. I love being a Pastor's wife and having the incredible opportunity to get real and personal with other believers and to help them in their walk with the Lord. I was called into Youth Ministry with my husband, but with a clear call from God to be my husbands helpmate in his Ministry. I love being with and teaching youth about the love that God has for them. I enjoy more than words can say developing real, close relationships with them. Youth are incredible people and when empowered by the love of God can rock this place we call earth in a way like no other age can.
  • *I AM A WIFE -Made complete by an incredible Godly man, a man that I was fashioned from his own rib by the hand of God. We have been married almost 16 years and he is my Love of A Lifetime!
  • *I AM A MOTHER -Since I was a little girl my dreams and aspirations always came down to one thing. Having a family. God has blessed me with two wonderful children. First, Courtney Jo came into my life on January 25th, 1990. She was a beautiful little red headed, blue eyed baby. Some would say she saved me. I was a young mother and I didn't always do things right, but she was my pride and joy! At 4 months old our lives changed forever when she came down with meningitis. We were told she would probably not even make it to the hospital. But through my Grandparents and the prayers of their Church families, God spared her life and she became my little miracle. Now 18 years later, she just entered her Senior year of school. Where did the years go. Second is my baby boy Brock Isaiah. He to was a miracle from God. He was not to be according to the doctors. We had spent 9 months doing fertility treatments. Nothing was working and we were not prepared to take it to the next step. I had told God time after time I had to have another baby. It wasn't till one night when we all went on a walk and decided that it was ok if it was God's will for our lives to have one child and from that moment on we stopped treatments and went back to life. Little did I know that it was at that time, when I gave it to God that I became pregnant. We were so shocked, so happy. God gave us a beautiful little 8lb 3oz baby boy on December 3rd, 1998. He is such a joy, an incredible artist and is the smartest 4th grader I know. :)
  • *I AM A SCRAPBOOKER -I totally love scrapbooking. I love to take pictures and creating Memory Books that my children and grandchildren can not only see but know some of our thoughts from those special moments in time!
  • *I AM A CARDMAKER -I was introduced to cardmaking a couple of years ago. I enjoy using scrapbooking techniques with stamping and even embossing. Handmade Christmas Cards are my favorite!
  • *I ENJOY THE SIMPLE THINGS IN LIFE -I enjoy quiet walks and bike rides with my family. I enjoy sitting on my porch swing and people watching. I enjoy seeing God's hand in nature imensely. I enjoy hanging out with our friends. I enjoy late night pranks and trips with the teenagers to Wal-Mart. I simply enjoy life : )


maila said...

Hey you,

I'm so glad to see you decided to go ahead with your blog. Love your name-very creative:) I like your look too...great colors. I am so excited to read more. I'll list you on my sidebar as soon as I get a chance!! So cool I got be the your first comment. Soon you'll be a comment junkie just like me!!!