A Christmas Suprise...

Pet sitting for the cutest Christmas present ever... this little darling is a teacup Yorkie. Born the beginning of November, this little 1 & 1/2 pound sweetheart is just as cute and playful as she can be...

Check out her size next to the remote for our tv...

Brock is having a blast petsitting...

Isn't she just the cutest?


Let me first start off by saying I am such a proud Mama today!

For those of you who know my son this is a huge feet I am about to share with you and one of the proudest moments for me as a Mom.
Ever since he was old enough to talk, my son has been very shy to strangers and sometimes friends alike. He would look at them when they spoke but in his words he would get to "nervous" to answer them. A long silent pause would follow... Now mind you he has never been shy when it comes to making friends. It seems to be an adult thing. Well for many years while we attended Barrs Mill my son would be the one at the front of the church standing there...not singing while the rest of the kids sang their hearts out. While we were still proud because that was a feat in itself. So then he graduated on at about age 7, when Ron took his first Youth Pastor position to actually feeling comfortable enough to sing. Well today a great feat has taken place. My son several months ago decided that he wanted to serve as a Kids Stuf Dancer for church. For those of you who don't know what Kids Stuf is, it's a church service geared for Parents to attend with their children. It has lots of music and dancing and even a skit to learn from. This is an awsome Parent Kid Service! Anyhow, he practiced this summer while Kids Stuf was on a break and his first month scheduled was October to dance. He is doing awsome! In front of hundreds of strangers. God is Good! He loves dancing and what a great way to start out serving the Lord! I am sooo proud of him!
Brock is the boy in the blue shirt on the right side of Ryon-the guitarist.

Check out the video below of the opening song for our Kids Stuf Service!

Sixteen Years Ago today...

On this day in 1992 I married my love of a lifetime, Ronnie Earl Gordon.
As I sit back and look over the years so many things flood through my mind...Here are just a few:

*Wow, how time has gone by so quickly. It seems like just yesterday Courtney was a toddler running around our first apartment on West High, Ron had a mullet (lol) and I was beginning the dream of my life. To be a Mother, Wife and Homemaker. When other kids were dreaming of being nurses and teachers, I was dreaming of a Little house on the prairie kinda life. (except with all the enmities of today of course :) ). Today in that area not much has changed. I am a mother of two wonderful children and God has blessed our family that I am able to stay home and be the wife and homemaker I always dreamed of being. Thank You God.

*God has been so good to us. He has always been watching over us even when we were first married and not living for him. How He set up His plan for our life and started drawing us into a relationship with Him. How so many things fell together that I never knew could have happy endings. But that was just it...God worked all those things for good. How much He must love us! I thank Him today for His many blessings. For him bringing Ron into my life on that fateful night oh so long ago...coming to be my night in shining armor :) (if you don't know the story of how we met, it's really great! Ask sometime!) He knew just what I needed in a husband.

*Marriage has really been hard work! And let me just say it has been worth it all! And God made it happen. I can say with certainty if it weren't for Him coming into my life at the time He did, we would be another statistic like so many in this world who give up on their marriage.

*My love has grown in ways that I never knew possible. When we were married I never thought I would love Ron so much more, for I already loved him sooo much. However I love him more and more each day. He has been a wonderful husband, lover, father, teacher, preacher, provider, comforter, encourager and oh so much more.

I love you sweetheart! Happy Anniversary!

Homecoming 2008

Courtney & Ronnie - Oh soo cute!

On there way to Dovers Homecoming- "A Night To Remember"

This picture was taken after Homecoming, but before a night of crazy movies. I just want to say..I have never screamed so much in my whole life. I don't watch scary movies and I remember why now! We watched the old 80's Prom Night and well. Ronnie made the comment, next time we watch movies he wants it to be a movie he has seen just so he can watch my face...yeah...comical! They stayed up untill after 6AM watching movies! I went to bed after 5AM. Another funny, they came in my bedroom which is right by the livingroom where I had my door open watching the last movie when I fell asleep, and went to tell me that Courtney was leaving to take Ronnie home and they siad I umped off the bed about four feet. Yeah, It was great! I think the kids had a great time too. : )






These are a few drawings of my son's. He is quite the little artist.
As you can tell he loves to draw Star Wars. I have encouraged him to draw since he was just a small child as I to have a love for drawing. He draws all kinds of cartoon characters, some made up, some others made. It is so neat to see his creations. One of the greatest things about it is I decided instead of his current medium-crayon's, colored pencils and the such to buy him a set of real drawing pencils. When he got these shading pencils it all came to a new level. He creates such great dimension and life likness with his shading. Now I am his Mom, so I am prejedice. And then we went to disney and while we were there went into the artist studio and were taught the proper way to design and draw. Of course we did this several times being that it was our forte. Later we spotted a drawing book for Star Wars characters. It teaches you how to sketch these characters. Well the combo of a book and the right tools and wa-law. These are what you get. At first when we saw them we thought he was tracing. But that is totally not the case. He does so well and I am so proud of him I just want to share it with the world! Great Job Brock. Oh yeah, BTW- I showed two of his drawings (Emperor Palpatine & Luke Skywalker) to a friend that is an art teacher and he thought he did a great job with the shading on Luke. Sorry, can you tell I am proud of him : )

Change is comming, I never new it would be so hard...

It is 2:20am...as I sit here writing this tonight. It is a very sad and wonderful night all in one. My husband and I had a heart to heart tonight as we lay in bed. (*Tip-If you have a tv in your bedroom, get rid of it. Since we have, we have some of our deepest, most heartfelt conversations laying in bed at night) Our oldest child is just that...not a child anymore. I have tried so hard over the years to guide and protect her to the best of my abilities, but my time is soon to be over. To this day I have pretty good control over her despite the fact she is 18 years old & a Senior in High School. She is trying so desperately to find out who she is and instead of letting her go to spread her wings, I am holding her back, even tighter than ever before. I can see things ahead that she can't and I can't bear to let her put herself through those bad situations and get hurt. Yet through my efforts to save her, I am losing her... She is still my baby and I want to protect her from this world that can be so cruel, yet I am pushing her away... I want her to have a perfect life, without the common misgivings of relationships & bad choices, yet I am running her right into the arms of those very things I am afraid of... I am loosing her, by trying to save her... I guess I am writing tonight to help myself, in letting go and giving her life over to God completely. I always knew it would be hard and yet I never anticipated how hard, nor how much it would hurt. I love her sooo much words cannot say. So for you, as you read this-Hold your little ones close and enjoy the time you have, every moment. For it was just a short time ago she was entrusted to me from the Lord to raise and now my time is nearly done. It will be a new season in our relationship...One of many sorrows and many joys, for I am sure. So I will treasure these last few months of her childhood and look forward to her upcoming time of young adulthood.
I love you baby girl...always and forever...

First Day of School Scrapbook Pages!

August 22nd, 2008-Brock started his first day of his Fourth Grade year! Here are Two scrapbook pages I made of his first day of school. WoW! How time flies by. So far he is enjoying school very much and he loves his teacher mabie even more than his Kindergarten Teacher! Now that is hard to top!

Science was his favorite subject when he started school. However, he has now added History to the list. He is so smart, he amazes me with the things he is learning. He is learning about our State and is having a blast. His class is taking a trip to the State House this year. Were looking forward to a great new year!



I am many things, but these are a few attributes that sum up who I am and what's important to me.

  • I AM A WOMAN WHO LOVES THE LORD-A woman created to serve Him in Ministry. I love being a Pastor's wife and having the incredible opportunity to get real and personal with other believers and to help them in their walk with the Lord. I was called into Youth Ministry with my husband, but with a clear call from God to be my husbands helpmate in his Ministry. I love being with and teaching youth about the love that God has for them. I enjoy more than words can say developing real, close relationships with them. Youth are incredible people and when empowered by the love of God can rock this place we call earth in a way like no other age can.
  • *I AM A WIFE -Made complete by an incredible Godly man, a man that I was fashioned from his own rib by the hand of God. We have been married almost 16 years and he is my Love of A Lifetime!
  • *I AM A MOTHER -Since I was a little girl my dreams and aspirations always came down to one thing. Having a family. God has blessed me with two wonderful children. First, Courtney Jo came into my life on January 25th, 1990. She was a beautiful little red headed, blue eyed baby. Some would say she saved me. I was a young mother and I didn't always do things right, but she was my pride and joy! At 4 months old our lives changed forever when she came down with meningitis. We were told she would probably not even make it to the hospital. But through my Grandparents and the prayers of their Church families, God spared her life and she became my little miracle. Now 18 years later, she just entered her Senior year of school. Where did the years go. Second is my baby boy Brock Isaiah. He to was a miracle from God. He was not to be according to the doctors. We had spent 9 months doing fertility treatments. Nothing was working and we were not prepared to take it to the next step. I had told God time after time I had to have another baby. It wasn't till one night when we all went on a walk and decided that it was ok if it was God's will for our lives to have one child and from that moment on we stopped treatments and went back to life. Little did I know that it was at that time, when I gave it to God that I became pregnant. We were so shocked, so happy. God gave us a beautiful little 8lb 3oz baby boy on December 3rd, 1998. He is such a joy, an incredible artist and is the smartest 4th grader I know. :)
  • *I AM A SCRAPBOOKER -I totally love scrapbooking. I love to take pictures and creating Memory Books that my children and grandchildren can not only see but know some of our thoughts from those special moments in time!
  • *I AM A CARDMAKER -I was introduced to cardmaking a couple of years ago. I enjoy using scrapbooking techniques with stamping and even embossing. Handmade Christmas Cards are my favorite!
  • *I ENJOY THE SIMPLE THINGS IN LIFE -I enjoy quiet walks and bike rides with my family. I enjoy sitting on my porch swing and people watching. I enjoy seeing God's hand in nature imensely. I enjoy hanging out with our friends. I enjoy late night pranks and trips with the teenagers to Wal-Mart. I simply enjoy life : )